Becoming an Augustinian

Perhaps you have been touched by a deep desire to follow Jesus. A deep desire to be love Him and always be a disciple. Perhaps you have been touched by Augustine's example and words in that desire. Words that make your heart burn and words that inspire you. Perhaps you have come into contact with a community of Augustinians. You've seen how they work, what they do and how they do it. Perhaps you feel deep within yourself a desire to become an Augustinian.

Becoming an Augustinian is one of the many opportunities to serve God and be a disciple of Jesus and of service to the church.

What do I have to do to become an Augustinian?

Candidates from South Sudan, Togo and Vietnam have their own program that is linked to a house of our order in Lome and Saigon.

For candidates from Western Europe:

That you are baptized in the a Roman Catholic and received your confirmation

You're an adult

Have good psychological health

The formation consists of several parts.

First there is an introduction where you become acquainted with life in an Augustinian community through conversation and an overnight stay. This is possible in any community.

If you really want to participate in our lives, you start with the postulate. These are three years of preparation. This consists of a full year of participating in the convent and also fulfilling tasks in the convent. This will usually take place in the convent in Ghent. It will then be examined how the study can be continued further. If you wish to become a priest or study theology, two years of philosophy follow. For candidates who have a different wish, a different approach to study will be considered.

Then the novitiate takes place. You will then receive the habit of the order and receive training indoors. In it you are prepared in prayer, the psalms, the history of the order, the rule and you also have your daily tasks. It is a year of distinction. After this year you can say your vows.

You take your vows for a year each time. This can take three to six years before you finally commit to the order. After taking your vows you usually go to the formation house in Heverlee. Depending on your choice and that of the order, whether you serve the order as a lay brother or a priest, you will study at the John XXIII Seminary or follow another course of study. After studying, an internship in pastoral work follows.

After the solemn profession, a diaconal ordination and/or priestly ordination may follow.

For further information, please contact the prior of one of the houses or the vocation officer Venceslas Sassou Skpade, Feel free to come and have a look or contact us without obligation.
